Reporting form for ring recovery

01 Bird found
02 Ring only found
03 Leg & ring only found
06 Found on ship
07 Attracted to domestic animals
09 Ring caused recovery
10 Shot
11 Found shot
12 Crop protection – shot
13 Nature conservation – shot
14 Public safety – shot
15 Shot for plumage/skin/science
16 Shot because of ring
19 Hunted
20 Intentionally taken
21 Caged
22 Crop protection
23 Nature conservation
24 Public safety
25 Scientific investigation
26 Taken because of ring
27 At nestbox/artificial site
28 Metal ring read in field (bird not caught)
28a Metal ring read from the photo (bird not caught)
30 Oil victim
31 Discarded human materials
32 Human artefact
33 Nets to protect crops
34 Trap set for other species
35 Electrocuted
36 Radioactivity
37 Poisoned: poison identified
38 Poisoned: poison not identified
40 Road casualty
41 Railway casualty
42 Aircraft casualty
43 Hit wires
44 Hit glass
45 Hit man-made structure
46 Entered building
47 Dazzled by lights
48 Active human enterprise
49 Artificial water container
50 Injured
51 Malformation
52 Fungal infection
53 Viral infection
54 Bacterial infection
55 Endoparasites
56 Botulism
57 Red Tide
58 Sick
59 Veterinary report available
60 Taken by animal
61 Taken by cat
62 Taken by domestic animal
63 Taken by wild mammal
64 Taken by owl or raptor
65 Taken by predatory bird
66 Taken by bird
67 Taken by a conspecific
68 Taken by reptile, amphibian or fish
69 Taken by other animals
70 Drowned
71 Tangled in natural object
72 In natural hole
73 Collision with natural object
74 Cold weather
75 Hot weather
76 Poor condition
77 Iced in
78 Violent weather
81 Identified from leg ring(s) (in the field)
81a Identified from leg ring(s) (from the photo)
82 Identified from neck ring(s) (in the field)
82a Identified from neck ring(s) (from the photo)
83 Identified from wing tags (in the field)
83a Identified from wing tags (from the photo)
87 Identified from bill (nasal) tags (saddles) (in the field)
87a Identified from bill (nasal) tags (saddles) (from the photo)
88 Identified from flight feathers (in the field)
88a Identified from flight feathers (from the photo)
89 Identified from body painting (in the field)
89a Identified from body painting (from the photo)
91 Found dead at site of wind turbine
99 Unknown

    1. Full inscription of the metal leg ring:

    2. Place of the metal ring:


    3. Other mark (plastic/colour ring, wing tag, nasal (bill) tag (sadle)):

    If other marks found, please tick a corresponding square and write colour.

    Right leg ring:


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    Left leg ring:


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    Leg (unknown right or left) ring:


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    Neck ring:


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    Wing tag:


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    Nasal (bill) tag (saddle):


    inscription (code):

    inscription’s colour:

    4. Species of bird (if known):

    5. Sex of bird (male or female only if exactly known):

    6. Age of bird (if known)

    7. Date:

    if exactly known: [dd]-[mm]-[yyyy]

    if approximately:

    8. Finding place:

    Location (a name of village, town, lake, river, etc.)



    9. Coordinates of finding place (press on a map):

    10. Condition of bird:

    11. Circumstances (please choose the most proper circumstances from not shaded lines in the list):

    12. Circumstances accuracy:

    13. Additional information (anything that could be important or interesting):

    14.Please attach a picture (photo) of the bird if you have.

    15. Finder

    if you prefer to be unknown you may not provide the information below, if you write your e-mail the Lithuanian Bird Ringing Centre will inform you all known information concerning the recovered or observed ringed bird.

    E-mail, or postal address

    Please check carefully that all information is correct.
    Every report concerning the recovery data of ringed bird is valuable and welcome!

    not a terminal